My Profile

This is ME Name: Damn Dirty Bastard
Nick: Psycho
Gender: Male
Birthday: February 29, 1980
Age: 5
Hobbies: Eat, Sleep, Snore, Dream

Company: PsychoPat's Mental Institution
Position: President, Owner, Client
Phone: 911-11-11 or 533-33-33

There is really nothing you can see here on this page.
Wala lang talaga akong magawa sa buhay ko kaya ko to ginawa.
So try niyo na lang puntahan niyo na lang yang ibang mga page na yan.

Crimson's Page
Beckpenny's Sports Online
Downfall (fall down?)

I see that you're still here...then why don't you just read these words to live by:

There is no NEVER just long periods of NOT YET.
Why be like the REST when you could be the BEST.